
Czech hotel footprint in Crete. Not only tourists, also technology

Who doesn’t know Crete? A popular destination for tourists from all over Europe – and a Greek island where more than 100,000 Czech tourists fly in every year.

In search of beautiful beaches, ancient monuments, turquoise sea, but also top hotel service. Czech technology also helps tourists to feel “even better abroad than at home”. Specifically, those from ELKO EP in Holešov, which allow guests to control hotel lighting, heating or air conditioning – and hoteliers save a substantial part of their energy costs in the process.

ELKO EP has long been built on strong development and innovation. Every year it launches several new patents in the field of electronic devices and its own iNELS intelligent wiring system. These are then supplied to the latest hotel and residential projects in more than 70 countries around the world, as well as helping to revitalise technologically obsolete hotels.

“Hotels have long been one of our biggest references. In the past, we have focused mainly on developers and new build projects, but it has turned out that we have great added value in so-called retrofits. That is, in places where older pieces need to be replaced with new ones. Without drilling and within a few hours we can add another star to hotels. We change the design of the controllers and cards, but at the same time we centralize all the technology and save a significant part of the costs,” says Jiří Konečný, owner and founder of the company.

In Crete with a technology leader

But back to Crete, where one of the most successful Czech exporters has in recent months managed to establish a strategic partnership with Digitel, a leading local company that, like ELKO EP, was founded in 1993. Above all, however, it has a number of major development projects under its belt throughout the island. The Czech solution has already become part of their exhibition at the 100% Hotel Show – Crete’s largest trade fair with an emphasis on the needs of modern hoteliers and tourism professionals and all other companies directly or indirectly involved in the tourism industry. And they have generated an extraordinary response in the region and a number of specific enquiries.

“Crete equals tourism. And this is, of course, an extraordinary challenge for technology companies. We have several new hotel projects in talks with Digitel, but also Airbnb space. Together we are working on a residence near Heraklion, and a joint showroom should soon be set up at Digitel’s headquarters, where we will present all the possibilities of our smart wiring and in general where the trends of today’s housing or hotel industry are heading. I am really hopeful about our cooperation, because we are talking to experts who know our industry and are extremely interested in our technologies,” adds Jan Kapitanov, who is responsible for business development at ELKO EP.

Crete is thus the second Mediterranean island after Cyprus where the activities of the Czech company are significantly expanding this year. ELKO EP has long been one of the leading Czech exporters – and sells more than 70% of its products and solutions abroad. It has long been strong in the Middle East region, where it has several branches.